Business Summary
Prime city centre retail unit situated on the Southern side of North Street, close to the junction with Meeting House Lane and Ship Street.
Other retailers in this part of North Street include Ape, American Apparel, Blacks, Cargo and Butlers.
Ground Floor Sales Area: 1,491 sq ft
Ancillary Ground Floor: 149 sq ft
Basement: 335 sq ft
There is potential to combine the unit with number 27 (presently inter-connected) to create a total of 2,960 sq ft.
Our client has been advised that an EPC is required. Details upon request.
£85,000 per annul exclusive of business rates and all other outgoings.
Available by way of a new effective full repairing and insuring lease for a term to be agreed.
RATEABLE VALUE – to be reassessed
U.B.R 2011/2012: Payable: 42.6% (if eligible for small business rate relief), otherwise 43.3%.
Interested parties should enquire of the local Rating Authority as to the implications of the phasing arrangements on the amount of rates actually payable. Parties should also make enquiries concerning the implications of the small business allowance.
Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs.
Property Details
Other Business Details
Business Location:
26, North Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 1EB