#Business ID: 18696

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Lock Up Shop / Office

Business Location: Christchurch, Dorset, England

Asking Price: £ 12,500 Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary


The Saxon Centre occupies a prominent corner site position overlooking the A35 Christchurch By Pass. Christchurch high street is accessed via an underpass immediately in front of the Saxon Centre. The Saxon Centre comprises ground floor shop units fronting Bargates and Fountain Way with two floors of offices above. Occupiers on the ground floor of the building include a restaurant, employment agency, estate agents and kitchen retailer.

Fountain Way is an established parade of shop premises adjoining the Waitrose Supermarket. The subject premises comprise a lock up shop that are currently used as a letting agency


Shop Width 16’09” ( 5.11m)
Shop Depth 50’00” (15.24m)
Sales Area 766 sq.ft. (71.16 sq.m.) Approx.

RATEABLE VALUE -£10,750 previously £8,400

U.B.R. 2013/2014: Payable; 46.2% (if eligible for small rate relief), otherwise 47.1%

Interested parties should enquire of the local Rating Authority as to the implications of the phasing arrangements on the amount of rates actually payable. Parties should also make enquiries concerning the implications of the small business allowance


Long established use of the premises as Class A2 offices.
Class A1 retail sales is considered.
Change of use to Class A3 catering also considered including proposals to link 5 and 6 Fountain Way to form a single catering unit.


The premises are held by way of a 10 year lease from 18th December 2008 at a rental of £12,500 p.a. (plus VAT)

The property is subject to a service charge for the maintenance and upkeep of the structure of the building. The service charge budget for 2014 for 5 Fountain Way is £1,225 (plus VAT) which includes all water and sewerage bills, fire alarms and external maintenance.

The shop is ready for occupation in April

The landlords will consider granting a new lease with terms to be negotiated

Alternatively a new tenancy agreement for a term up to three years, prepared by Ellis and Partners is available. The incoming tenant will be expected to pay an administration fee of £300 plus VAT for the preparation of the tenancy agreement.

The incoming tenant will be required to pay a 3 month rent deposit.


The incoming tenant will be responsible for their own legal fees.


By arrangement with Ellis and Partners through whom all negotiations are to be conducted.

Tel: 01202 551821
Website: www.ellis-partners.co.uk

Property Details

Property Type:


Other Business Details

Business Location:

5, Fountain Way, Christchurch, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 1QN

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