Business Summary
The property is located in an established secondary trading area on the busy A35 Christchurch Road that links Christchurch to Bournemouth Town Centre. The subject property is situated at the junction with Parkwood Road adjoining a pedestrian crossing. The property is approximately ½ mile from the pedestrianised section of the road where several of the leading banks and some multiple retailers are represented. The majority of the neighbouring occupiers to the subject premises are local tenants offering specialist services.
The property comprises two lock up shops that have recently been linked together to form a single shop. There are 5 flats above and behind, that have been sold off on long leases
808 Christchurch Road
Width : 15’00†(4.57m)
Depth : 21’06†(6.55m)
Sales Area : 308 sq.ft (28.6 sq.m.) approx..
810 Christchurch Road
Width : 11’06†(3.50m)
Depth : 22’00†(6.70m)
Sales Area : 217 sq.ft (20.1 sq.m.) approx..
U.B.R. 2013/2014: Payable; 46.2% (if eligible for small rate relief), otherwise 47.1%
Interested parties should enquire of the local Rating Authority as to the implications of the phasing arrangements on the amount of rates actually payable. Parties should also make enquiries concerning the implications of the small business allowance
The shop premises are let to Mrs S Callegari trading as Rent in Bournemouth. The premises are held by way of a 5 year lease from 1st April 2013 at a rental of £433.33 per calendar month. The lease is contracted outside the provision of the Landlord & Tenant Act. The tenants have no alienation rights to assign or underlet their lease.
The user clause is Class A1 retail sales or Class A2 office uses
All five flats are sold off on long term leases. We have not had sight of the lease terms
We are advised that 3 flats produce a ground rent of £60 p.a and 2 flats produce an income of £30 p.a.
Total income £5,440 p.a.
The freehold of the building subject to and with the benefit of the existing leases is £52,000
The incoming tenant will be responsible for their own legal fees.
By arrangement with Ellis and Partners through whom all negotiations are to be conducted.
Tel: 01202 551821
Property Details
For Business Investors
Other Business Details
Business Location:
808-810, Christchurch Road, Boscombe, Dorset, BH7 6DF