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#Business ID: 17817

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Busy Removal & Storage Business

Business Location: West Yorkshire, England

Asking Price: £ 74,950 Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

Newtons Business Agents are delighted to offer to the market this excellent business opportunity which has reluctantly been put up for health reasons and due to other business interests.

All the building blocks are there:

Agreement with a major charity worth £12,000 per month
5 vans
A good team of staff – all self employed
Website (in development)
No debt
Access to secure warehousing with 24 hour cover
The potential is enormous and the new enthusiastic owner should be able to realise this quickly.

Everything is in place to hit the ground running.

There is a regular client base who provide regular repeat business.

The price includes goodwill, the van and the website.

The full potential can only be seen when the business has been viewed.

Sensibly priced for a genuine sale.

For further information, please contact Newtons Business Agents on 0800 331 7798

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