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#Business ID: 17814

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Universal Laptop Charger Business - High Quality Stock, Bespoke Design IP, eCommerce Website & Supplier Details

Business Location: London, England

Asking Price: £ 11,000 Revenue: £ under 100k Cash Flow: not applicable

[Inventory / Stock included]

Business Summary


This listing is for a business selling universal laptop chargers. It includes the following:

- Roughly 400 premium grade universal laptop chargers (boxed; can get exact number for prospective buyer) with custom designed packaging
- Spare and additional heads/tips for more obscure laptop models
- Some mobile phone USB chargers (charger has built in USB port)
- Full disclosure of all supplier details
- Bespoke packaging design (100% designed in the UK and manufactured in Asia)
- Fully functional and custom designed eCommerce website (cost £1,400 to develop)

The charger units themselves are of extremely high quality, of the sort that could retail in a large chain such as PC World for upwards of £80. Including design, manufacturing costs, shipping and import tax each unit cost £23.50 in total to bring into the UK.


When the website first launched, chargers were selling without any marketing spend at approx. 3-5 units per week. Soon after, I launched an extensive SEO campaign through a third party company spending approx. £800/mo on linkbuilding. The website URL is for an extremely popular keyword along the lines of "universal laptop chargers" and ranked incredibly well.

Orders briefly increased to 3-5 a day for approximately a month, after which Google imposed a Rank Penalty on the website, effectively dropping the website out of the rankings and killing off orders.

I believe the business can still function perhaps with a non-Google-penalised site but I ran out of money before I could consider starting SEO efforts on a potential second site. Until then things looked promising.

Somebody who is either an effective salesperson for these premium products or has great SEO skills (possibly both) could do quite well with this business, but unfortunately I now lack the capital to take it forward.


- Full supplier details can be disclosed
- Website and packaging are consistently branded, with logos and creative concepts designed from scratch. These are included as part of the sale of the business
- The physical chargers are located in Zone 2, West London. Can be transported in a small van.

Property Details

Years Established:


Other Business Details

Business Location:

Online store, physical stock located in Zone 2, West London

Expansion Potential:

I believe the business can still function perhaps with a non-Google-penalised site but I ran out of money before I could consider starting SEO efforts on a potential second site. Until then things looked promising. Somebody who is either an effective salesperson for these premium products or has great SEO skills (possibly both) could do quite well with this business, but unfortunately I now lack the capital to take it forward.

Business Operation Details



Support & Training:

Support with running the website back-end, recommendations for a developer, how orders are processed.


Business Relocatable

Miscellaneous Details

Reason For Selling:

Google penalised site destroyed cashflow, until then business started picking up momentum. Lack the funds to re-start online marketing activity. Somebody who is either an effective salesperson for these premium products or has great SEO skills (possibly both) could do quite well with this business, but unfortunately I now lack the capital to take it forward.

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