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#Business ID: 17581

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Established Cosmetics Development Company

Business Location: England

Asking Price: not disclosed Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

Our client owns an established organic cosmetics laboratory and production center in London. The company produces natural skin and hair care products, cosmetics and toiletries for major brands and retail clients, all of whom are referred from other satisfied clients. Run by an experienced chemist who was trained by Proctor & Gamble, this company has achieved a scientific breakthrough with its unique, highly acclaimed products. The company has also sourced ideal packaging for their products and has developed them extensively so that large clients receive a shelf-ready product.

The owner is currently looking to sell his business, as he is ready to retire after many successful years in the field. The sale of this company will include all equipment and stock.

Property Details

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Business Location:

South East

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