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#Business ID: 15066

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Successful Outdoor Adventure Company

Business Location: South Yorkshire, England

Asking Price: £ 100k to 250k Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

[Furniture / Fixtures and Inventory / Stock included]

Business Summary

Newtons Business Agents are delighted to offer to the market this one off opportunity to acquire a truly unique and profitable outdoor adventure company.
Profitable and fun, it offers enormous scope to an imaginative new owner. Currently run as a lifestyle business, there is great potential to increase operating hours (currently it operates mostly at weekends)
The business is run by the owner with secretarial and voluntary help. There is a wealth of equipment included in the sale – worth approximately £100,000.
Currently the business includes tank riding and driving, lorry riding and driving, tank paintballing and a unique tank and military truck limo service.
It has good links to large groups, both corporate and private, but these can be further developed. It's great for parties including Stags and Hens, Children Birthdays and Team Building.
Very favourable agreements with local landowners make this a very worthwhile and profitable business.
There is a well fitted workshop for doing your own maintenance on the vehicles (you would not believe how easy it is to change a tank engine!) All of this is based around 200 acres of protected woodland, 2 square miles of farmland (including lakes for driving through and steep hills for driving up), a rented clubhouse and other farm buildings.

Property Details

Property Type:


Other Business Details

Business Location:

Positioned in the middle of the country, this adventure company is accessible from everywhere. Corporate and private clients travel from all over the country to try (and repeat) this superb experience. Close to motorways, airports and several major towns and cities, the facilities are concealed in woodland and on farms near Barnsley. They have use of over 200 acres of land including lakes, woodland tracks and farm buildings.

Premise Details:

This is something completely different with the opportunity to combine work and pleasure. It will suit investors and outdoor types alike. There are several aspects and areas of the company 1.The Woodland - Over 1100 acres - for tank riding, driving and training. Lorry riding and driving. Tank Paintballing, AirSoft and Mil-Sim. Over night camping and catering trucks. 2.The Clubhouse - With function room and kitchen 3. The Basecamp - Parking for Ultimate tanks & trucks with secure parking for clients, toilets and showers 4. The Farmland - Approximately 2 square miles used for adventure driving and riding through lakes, hills and off road terrain. 5. The workshop - a well equipped and well stocked maintenance facility held on a short lease. This can be transferred to the new owners if they wish – otherwise it can be disposed of if preferred. Safer than normal paintballing. Fully inspected and approved. Biodegradable paints. Website:

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