#Business ID: 12860
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Business Location: Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England
Asking Price: £ 99,950 | Revenue: £ 208,000 | Cash Flow: not disclosed |
This well positioned deli & cafe has a very prominent position in the busy centre of Wakefield, overlooking a large pedestrian area. Close to the Cathedral and the railway station, it is well served by local buses. It is also well placed between Wakefield’s 2 shopping centres – The Ridings and Trinity Walk. This area of Wakefield has developed a reputation as an evening dining destination and the deli is superbly situated to take advantage of this opportunity. The business has been well known in Wakefield for over 10 years and its reputation means that business also comes from all over the county. Wakefield is a thriving city in West Yorkshire with a population of around 80,000. It is near to other sizeable towns and cities in the area. There is plenty of parking nearby.
The bright and airy property is entered through the double doors which are often open in summer. The attractive deli counter is along one side with an excellent array of products for sale. Around the walls are tastefully displayed shelves carrying a wide variety of goods including a selection of wines. Along the other side are tables to seat about 21 – often full. Well laid out and extremely clean (with 5*hygiene) To the is the well fitted stainless steel kitchen Behind that is the storeroom with 4 large fridges/ freezers. There is also an office and customer toilets to the side, as well as staff toilets at the rear. Please note - The photographs in this brochure can only provide a small feel of this fantastic opportunity which needs to be viewed.
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