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#Business ID: 12500

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Reduced Price Excellent Reputation Established Taxi Business

Business Location: Lincolnshire, England

Asking Price: £ 80,000 Revenue: £ 450,000 Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

This high quality private hire taxi business was originally established in 1987 and has been
operated by the current owners since June 2003. During that time the high standards they have set has enabled them to establish an excellent reputation for providing an efficient and professional service.

The drivers are required to be smart in appearance, well mannered and need to qualify for Level 2 NVQ in Road Passenger Vehicle Driving. They also carry out comprehensive safety health checks on all vehicles every 8 weeks and drivers complete daily service sheets to optimize passenger safety.

This is in addition to the requirements of the local authority for two licensing tests each year. These standards have enabled them to attract and retain high quality cash and account customers.

Account customers amount to approximately 40% of the total turnover of the business with the largest account customer being the local authority which constitutes about 75% of the total account work.

Property Details

Years Established:


Property Type:


Other Business Details

Business Location:

The business operates from a lock-up shop which has ample seating for customers and is located in a busy high street position.

Business Operation Details


The 2 owners work full time in the business, 2 Full time sta

Trading Hours:

Monday to Wednesday 0600-midnight Thursday 0600-0100 Friday and Saturday 0600 - 0400 but will continue to operate later if there is demand. Sunday 0700 - midnight The service for pre-booked journeys to airports and the like are undertaken 24/7

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